Lykke Friis


Lykke Friis is the director of Think Tank EUROPA.

She has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen (1997), Master in Political Science (University of Copenhagen) and Master of European Studies from London School of Economics.

In her research, Lykke Friis focuses on Germany's role in Europe, Brexit and the EU's global position. Since her doctoral dissertation on the eastern enlargement, she has also worked intensively with the development of Central and Eastern Europe.

Lykke Friis has always had Europe as the focal point of her work. First as a researcher, senior researcher and head of research at the Danish Institute for International Affairs, and later as Director of European Affairs at the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI), followed by two periods as Prorector for University of Copenhagen. Her time as prorector was interrupted by four years in politics, where she was Minister of Climate, Energy and Gender Equality and since spokesperson for European Affairs for the Liberals (Venstre).

She has been repeatedly appointed to forums in the EU. In 2007, she was appointed by the heads of states and governments as a member of the EU reflection group on the future of Europe. Before she joined Think Tank EUROPA as director, she worked as a correspondent covering Germany for the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende.

Her three most recent books are "Håbets Europa. 1989 i 89 billeder", GAD, 2019 and " En Kuffert i Berlin, Rejse i Angela Merkels Tyskland", Gyldendal, 2018 and "En hund efter Tyskland", Gyldendal 2014.

In addition to her position as director of Think Tank EUROPA, Lykke Friis is the Co-Chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations, President of the Danish Cancer Society and member of the Board of Directors of Team Denmark and Thylander gruppen. Finally, she is a member of UNICEF Denmark's presidium and a member of the Danish Football Association (DBU).

Inquiries to Lykke Friis regarding invitations and events should be directed to Anne Grøn at

Lykke Friis
Expert areas


EU's member states

EU enlargement

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