
You are welcome to call or write an e-mail if you have questions about our work or wish to contact a Danish EU expert


For press inquiries, please contact Iben Tybjærg Schacke-Barfoed or Sarah Fiona Murphy.

For general inquiries, please write to

For questions about director Lykke Friis' calendar, please contact Anne Ipsen.

Press photo

Press photos can be downloaded under the individual experts. In addition, there is a press photo package with Lykke Friis, which can be downloaded under documents on this page.


Think Tank EUROPA's logo are the letters TTE. The logo may not be used without permission from Think Tank EUROPA. Guidelines for use are available by contacting us. Logo can be downloaded under documents on this page.


Iben Schacke

Iben Tybjærg Schacke-Barfoed

+45 71 99 29 06

Sarah Murphy

Sarah Fiona Murphy

+45 30 10 02 41

Anne Ipsen

Anne Snell Ipsen (Maternity leave)

+45 61103337