
The DSA - writing the rule book for the internet?

1 March 2022 10.00 - 11.00

This webinar will look at the status of these negotiations, but also look to the future, including how new EU rules might impact citizens’ rights and democracy in the EU.

When you go online, you are willingly or not tracked by the pages and platforms you pass, met by online advertisements based on these tracks, and the content you leave on for instance social media is monitored. This can be helpful in searching for new products and services, but it also raises a series of questions about who is responsible for content online, why you are exposed to the products or content you are (algorithms) and which techniques designed to make you behave in a certain way you meet online (dark patterns). 

In 2020 the Commission’s proposed a horizontal act to regulate digital services in the EU, the Digital Services Act. This act is currently being negotiated between the EU institutions. As rapporteur MEP Christel Schaldemose represents the European Parliament in these negotiations. Among the discussions is when are tech platforms like Meta, Google etc. required to take down content or illegal products, what should be the fine if it does not happen, what should be the exact rules for using data in targeted advertising and when may you avoid being tracked.

Welcome – moderator Lykke Friis

What is status on the trilogue negotiations, where the EU is heading on onlineregulation and what does it mean for European democracy? - Christel Schaldemose, MEP (S)

What are the effects on European Democracy of large digital platforms? - Professor Claes de Vreese, University of Amstaerdam




Iben Schacke

Iben Tybjærg Schacke-Barfoed

+45 71 99 29 06