Europæiske valg

WEBINAR: UK general election: a new beginning?

26. juni 2024 kl. 14.00 - 14.45
UK webinar grafik

Think Tank EUROPA has invited Professor Anand Menon, Director of the UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE), to join us for a webinar to discuss the UK general election and the future of the EU-UK relationship.

On Thursday the 4th of July, the UK goes to the polls in a general election that could see the Labour Party return to power after 14 years in opposition. 

PM Rishi Sunak’s premiership has been marked by an improvement in the EU-UK relationship: first with the signing of the Windsor Agreement and later with the UK rejoining the Horizon Europe as an associated member.

Meanwhile, while the Labour Party has made it a priority to improve cooperation with the EU, it has also ruled out joining the customs union, the single market, and re-establishing free movement. All of which constrains  Labour’s options for pursuing a more ambitious relationship. 

So, what are the issues dominating the UK general election and what could a change of government in the UK mean for the future of the EU-UK relationship? 

Think Tank Europa has invited Professor Anand Menon, Director of the UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE) think tank, based out of Kings College London, to join us for a webinar to discuss the UK general election and the future of the EU-UK relationship. 


June 26th, 14:00-14:45 (CET)



Emmanuel Molding Nielsen

+45 61 10 66 93