Asyl & migration

The Baltic-Nordic EU Conversations 2023: More United than Ever?

17. marts 2023 kl. 16.00 - 17.00
Baltic-Nordic EU Conversation

Chefanalytiker Ditte Brasso Sørensen modererer en samtale om EU's migrationspolitik til 'The Baltic-Nordic EU Conversations 2023.'

I samarbejde med Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Europa-Kommissionens repræsentation i Letland og det lettiske parlament er Tænketanken EUROPA vært for en modereret samtale om EU's migrationspolitik. 

Se hele programmet for konferencen her, hvor vice-præsident for Kommissionen Valdis Dombrovskis er keynote speaker, og læs mere om samtalen nedenfor.

16:00-17:00: (Online) Conversation on the EU’s Migration Policy – hosted by the Think Tank EUROPA (TTE)
The humanitarian catastrophe of the war in Ukraine saw millions of people being given asylum in the European Union during the past year alone. Meanwhile, some neighbouring countries are still using migration as hybrid warfare element in attacks on the European Union. The migration system is still one of the “hottest potatoes” in the hands of EU politicians. The aim of the panel conversation is to outline the potential solutions for improving the EU migration system.

Moderator: Dr. Ditte Maria Brasso Sørensen, chief analyst at the Think Tank EUROPA

  • Dr. Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of the European Affairs Programme at the Egmont Institute
  • Dr. Karolina Czerska-Shaw, Assistant Professor at the Jagiellonian University





Ditte Brasso Sørensen
